Cybercrimes have cost millions of dollars to the global economy last year, and according to statistics, this amount will increase rapidly in the next few years. These numbers were built up from losses of many companies, now every one of them has imposed greater information protection procedures. Cyber security is becoming increasingly more relevant to the modern era where everything is connected and relies on internet connectivity. To prevent these crimes, our IT Security department provides clients with our Cyber Protection Services.

Identification of security needs - Our IT specialists starts this process by collecting information about the data which should be protected, then performing Systems Penetration Tests, in other words a penetration test entering the system just as a hacker would, by completing this process our IT specialist will detect security faults in the system. Information gathered as a result of the penetration tests will be used to create the desired cyber protection environment.

List of services:

IT System Auditing

(Controlling, Proof of concept)

- Physical network environment (physical access from outside) – cabling and construction security

- Network infrastructure devices (switches, hubs, hardware firewalls, wireless access points, load balancing systems, vlan setups, DMZ)

- Computer systems and servers (operating system, Authentication, Admin / User strategies, Messaging (Mail, Messenger, VoIP, Video Conferencing), Remote access)

- Services (SMB, FTP, Databases, IIS, VPN, RDP, Backup Services)

- Web services (Websites, Web applications, Database back-ends, Cloud Services)

Software Auditing

- Source Code Analysis for projects under development (PHP, HTML, JAVA, JAVA Script, Objective C, VB.Net, C#, WPF, WinForms, Web-Forms, ASP.Net)

Periodical Penetration Tests

(White hat, Grey hat, Black hat)

Defence of Company Computer Environment

- Network (Router, Switches, Access Point, Hardware Firewalls)

- Security Systems (Surveillance Cameras, Remotely accessible security system – intrusion/fire alarm or access control systems)

- Company Servers (Data Centre's, Mail Server, File Sharing Systems, IIS Systems)

- Work Stations or Terminals

- Mobile Devices

Online Data Defence

- Websites / Web application

- Web services

- Cloud Storages

- Webmail Server

- Web Accounts (Social Media, Bank, Cloud Storage, Mail, Online Shop / Stores)

Forensic Analysis and Restoration following an Attack

- Saving evidence

- Discovering problems

- Closing holes

- Data Restoring

Cyber Protection


Operations Centre

24 / 7 / 365


Contact Us

+377 97 97 18 74

Operations Center

Our Partnerships

Our partnerships around the world give us the opportunity to provide international security services.

Fortis cadere - Cedere non potest